Strategy for overseas property – Estrategias online para inversiones inmobiliarias

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Global edge is a trade company on internet, aimed at helping overseas estate agents and developers get the most out of the internet.

They offer independent marketing advice to the overseas property market, and agents do not have to pay, because the income is genereated from online advertising.

Services are:
1. Free and independent analysis of over 50 overseas property portals
2. Independent news and analysis on internet marketing strategy for real estate
3. A global partner sourcing directory

global edge online estrategy for international property

If you need to find the best partners for selling your abroad properties, you may take advantage from Global edge analysis and insights that you can actually use to help grow your business.

They answer questions like:

How do overseas buyers use search engines and what does this mean for your marketing strategy?

How can you get people to trust you online so that they make an enquiry?


They use a website called, with the largest free database of real estate developers in the world.

They list hundreds of property developers from Spain and Bulgaria to the UAE and Panama


Versión en castellano:

Global edge es una compañía puntocom que tiene como objetivo ayudar a agentes inmobiliarios y promotores con propiedades en el extranjero a sacar el mayor provecho de internet.

Ofrecen consejos sobre marketing online e información sobre los mercados extranjeros, y sin coste, generando ingresos de la exposición publicitaria.

Analizan los portes inmobiliarios de distintos países, publican noticias y análisis de las estrategias de marketing más adecuadas para cada país de destino, y generan un listado de colaboradores en esos países.

A través del portal exponen un listado de recursos para 80 países, pudiendo encontrar desde empresas de desarrollo web hasta agencias comercializadoras.

César Villasante


  1. emercadotecnía1 29 abril 2008
  2. Julio Parola 11 junio 2008